Troubleshooting Guide: Common Issues When Brewing Coffee at Home

Troubleshooting Guide: Common Issues When Brewing Coffee at Home

Brewing coffee at home can be a rewarding experience, but it's not without its challenges. From uneven extraction to bitter or sour flavours, there are several common issues that home baristas may encounter when making coffee. In this troubleshooting guide, we'll address these issues and provide practical solutions to help you achieve consistently delicious coffee every time.

Problem 1: Uneven Extraction Symptoms:

Your coffee tastes weak or sour, with noticeable variations in flavour and strength.

Solution: Uneven extraction often occurs due to uneven distribution of coffee grounds or inconsistent tamping pressure. To fix this issue, ensure that you distribute the coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter and apply uniform pressure when tamping. Additionally, consider investing in a quality grinder with precise grind settings to achieve a more consistent particle size.

Problem 2: Bitter or Over-Extracted Coffee Symptoms:

Your coffee tastes bitter or burnt, with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Solution: Bitter coffee is typically caused by over-extraction, where the coffee grounds are in contact with hot water for too long. To remedy this issue, adjust your grind size to make it coarser, which will decrease the extraction time. Additionally, pay attention to your brewing time and aim for a total brew time of around 25-30 seconds for espresso.

Problem 3: Sour or Under-Extracted Coffee Symptoms:

Your coffee tastes sour or acidic, lacking depth and body.


Sour coffee is often the result of under-extraction, where the coffee grounds are not in contact with hot water for long enough. To correct this, try using a finer grind size to increase the extraction rate. You can also adjust your brewing parameters, such as increasing the brewing time or using hotter water, around 91 to 93 degrees C, to extract more flavour from the coffee grounds.

Problem 4: Weak Coffee Symptoms:

Your coffee lacks flavour and intensity, tasting watery or diluted.


Weak coffee can be caused by a variety of factors, including using a low dose of coffee grounds, using water that is not hot enough, or under-extracting the coffee. To strengthen your coffee, try using a higher coffee-to-water ratio, increasing the brewing time, or using hotter water to improve extraction.

Problem 5: Channeling Symptoms: You notice streams of water passing through the coffee puck unevenly during brewing.


Channeling occurs when water finds paths of least resistance through the coffee grounds, resulting in uneven extraction and a weak, underwhelming cup of coffee. To prevent channeling, ensure that you distribute the coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter and tamp them down firmly and evenly. Additionally, consider upgrading to a quality grinder to achieve a more consistent grind size.

By identifying and addressing common issues in home coffee brewing, you can improve the quality and consistency of your coffee and enjoy a more satisfying brewing experience. Experiment with different brewing parameters, techniques, and equipment adjustments to find the perfect balance and unlock the full potential of your favorite coffee beans.