Brewing Robusta Coffee: A Guide to Unlocking Bold Flavours

Brewing Robusta Coffee: A Guide to Unlocking Bold Flavours

Robusta coffee is often underestimated. It possesses a robust flavour profile that shines through when brewed using different methods. Let's explore the versatility of Robusta coffee and discover how to brew it to perfection using various techniques.

Espresso: Bold and Intense

Recipe: Robusta Espresso

  • Grind: Fine
  • Coffee to Water Ratio: 1:2 (e.g., 18g coffee to 36g water)
  • Water Temperature: 195°F - 205°F
  • Extraction Time: 25 - 30 seconds
  1. Start by grinding your BUZZ Robusta coffee beans to a fine consistency.
  2. Preheat your espresso machine and portafilter.
  3. Distribute the coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter and tamp firmly.
  4. Lock the portafilter into the machine and start the extraction.
  5. Aim for a total extraction time of 25 to 30 seconds, resulting in a rich, intense shot of Robusta espresso.

French Press: Full-Bodied and Rich

Recipe: Robusta French Press

  • Grind: Coarse
  • Coffee to Water Ratio: 1:15 (e.g., 30g coffee to 450g water)
  • Water Temperature: 200°F
  • Steep Time: 4 minutes
  1. Coarsely grind your BUZZ Robusta coffee beans.
  2. Add the coffee grounds to the French press.
  3. Heat water to 200°F and pour it over the grounds, ensuring they are fully immersed.
  4. Place the lid on the French press and let it steep for 4 minutes.
  5. After steeping, slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.
  6. Pour and enjoy the full-bodied richness of your Robusta French press brew.

Pour-Over: Clean and Vibrant

Recipe: Robusta Pour-Over

  • Grind: Medium-Coarse
  • Coffee to Water Ratio: 1:16 (e.g., 25g coffee to 400g water)
  • Water Temperature: 200°F
  • Brew Time: 3 - 4 minutes
  1. Place a filter in your pour-over dripper and rinse it with hot water.
  2. Grind your BUZZ Robusta coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency.
  3. Add the coffee grounds to the filter and place it over your brewing vessel.
  4. Start by blooming the grounds with a small amount of hot water, allowing them to degas for 30 seconds.
  5. Slowly pour the remaining water in a circular motion, ensuring even saturation.
  6. Allow the coffee to drip through the filter, aiming for a total brew time of 3 to 4 minutes.
  7. Once brewed, discard the filter and enjoy the clean and vibrant flavours of your Robusta pour-over.

Cold Brew: Smooth and Refreshing

Recipe: Robusta Cold Brew

  • Grind: Coarse
  • Coffee to Water Ratio: 1:8 (e.g., 100g coffee to 800g water)
  • Water Temperature: Cold or Room Temperature
  • Brew Time: 12 - 24 hours
  1. Coarsely grind your BUZZ Robusta coffee beans.
  2. Add the coffee grounds to a large container or pitcher.
  3. Pour cold or room temperature water over the grounds, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  4. Stir gently to ensure all grounds are saturated.
  5. Cover the container and let it steep in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.
  6. After steeping, strain the cold brew concentrate using a fine-mesh sieve or coffee filter.
  7. Dilute the concentrate with water or milk to your desired strength, and enjoy the smooth and refreshing flavors of your Robusta cold brew.

Conclusion: Embracing Robusta's Versatility

From espresso to French press, pour-over to cold brew, Robusta coffee shines through with its bold and robust flavors, no matter the brewing method. Experiment with these recipes to unlock the full potential of Robusta coffee and savor its unique characteristics in every cup.

Our BUZZ Robusta Coffee Beans have been a big hit for many years. We started selling Robusta Coffee over 20 years ago and we have watched with enjoyment as sales grow. Like all good things coffee, you will discover an exceptional line up of coffee beans from all over the world here on the BUZZ Website.